
重要更新终极解决方案,这个才是正确的解决方案:打开任务管理器—找到Windows安装程序—结束任务 即可对于其他系统系统找一下Windows installer或者msiexec.exe或者相关的程序,结束一下任务就可以了

原因:Happened again on my desktop (Win 8.1) and boss’ desktop (Win 7). After a few days searching, I stumbled on this link:

Which suggested it was an issue with it not being able to close an existing windows installer (why it had that after only doing windows updates I have no clue). I manually ended windows installer tasks and it seems to update on my computer.

Was very frustrating but nice to see it actually working now.


卸载mssql2014卡在install_sqllocaldb_cpu64_action,等了很久还是不见进度条走,于是google搜索到网上说安装卡主,打开任务管理器关闭msiexec.exe,由于自己是Windows10系统,找遍了任务管理器还是没有找到msiexec.exe任务。于是搜索Windows 10的msiexec.exe发现该任务就是系统服务的Windows installer,于是关闭Windows installer服务,重新运行卸载程序,顺利运行
现在又卡在install_sql_dqc_loc_cpu64_2052_action 册那 继续折腾

ps:关闭Windows installer服务的时候可能会发现右键关闭按钮不可用,估计要用管理员权限运行(开始菜单-输入cmd–右键以管理员权限运行),注意选中服务菜单栏下边的按钮可以点。慢慢摸索。也可能是需要退出安装程序或者重启计算机,都试一下吧,不想求证 了
